Living a life by faith is humbling. You have to say, "I can't do this on my own" everyday.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Gain Train

Happy July 4th all!!

Whoa... I just realized how long it's been since I last posted anything.  Sorry about that!  I missed you too!

There have been lots of cool things happening in my life and the lives of my friends.  I want to tell you about one of my friends.  His name .... (drumroll please...)  Robbie!

Robbie, and his wife Joy, have been friends of mine for quite a while.  They are one of the coolest couples ever!  Robbie and I have been on drama teams, have worked in our children's church are doing skits and taught bible stories together. 

Recently, Robbie went on a Dairy Queen adventure.  He made a video and actually won a red Mini Cooper!  A bunch of people voted for his video...which was hi-larious!  He is at it again.  This time with laundry soap.  Gain, to be percise. 

Robbie has created a video and his trying to win a million bucks!!  Yep!  A million bucks!  The cooler thing about this is that if he wins, he is going to give all of the money he gets away.  Crazy, right?  Crazy cool!!!

He is giving the money to three charities.  World Relief, Compassion International and a new organization called Both Hands.  Wanna know more?  Here is a little more information.

...and don't worry... he is totally legit! 
2 legit 2 quit!

Whoa... sorry about that flashback!

Anyway... vote for Robbie in the Smell Like A Million Bucks contest on Facebook!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Resolution Solution

Happy 1-1-11 every1!
(I'm so witty!)

Over the past thirty blah-blah years, I have not made resolutions.  I have always felt like it was a bit ridiculous to start something because it's the first day of the year.  Something...that, let's be honest, I probably will quit on Jan 2 of that year.  This year though... I decided I'm gonna give it a try.  I have kinda jumped in big-time too.  I know... I know... maybe not the best idea.  Go from skeptic to die-hard.  Well... we will see! 

I have decided to make a resolution for different parts of my life.  You know physical, intellectual, etc.  I think it may be a fun ride.  So here are my resolutions!

Physical:  Yep... we are going with the exercising plan.  I want to get back to walking Hilda more often.  So... at least 4 times a week, Hilda and I will go for a little trek. 

Intellectual:  I would like to read 20 books this year--from at least 5 genres.  I tend to stick to the same genres so this will make me broaden my horizons.  I will make my list in an can help me stick to it!

Spiritual:  I want to get back to reading my bible more.  I do church, community, books.... but I have gotten away from spending time learning what God actually says in his word.  I want to read my bible everyday.  Not necessarily hours and hours... but I want to read something.  Whether it's reading a verse and memorizing it, reading a passage and meditating on it or just reading to read a story--  READ.  That's the key.

Food-al:  Fast food only once a week....or maybe twice?  three times?  NO!  Once.  Being out on the road and driving all over makes Micky D's soooo easy.  I need to cut down on the yummy grease.  Sionara Wendy!

Financial:  My super awesome brother-in-law helped me redo my budget.  It is pretty reasonable....when I use it.  So this year... I'm gonna do just that.  Use it.

Social:  Living in a new place, it has been difficult to meet new people.  Honestly... I haven't really tried.  One place I would like to start is our small group/bible study groups at church.  I want to find a small group.  This year, I want to find a community of people that I can do life with.  ...and as much as I heart my sister's friends (which have become my friends, most definitely), I would like to branch out a little more. 

Addendum to Social:  Call/text/FB/chat with my FW friends more!!!  I miss you!!!

Emotional:  I need to take vitamins.  Ugh.  Vitamins.  (I wasn't quite sure what to put for this one.  I figured vitamins would help with crazy moods and how I feel??? I'm gonna try it.)

Explorer-al:  I want to visit one place I haven't been every month.  You know... expand my horizons.  (This will eventually include Italy... but not this year.)

Familial- I need to call/visit my family more often.  We used to chat all the time and now... who knows!  Especially my 91 year old grandma.  I would love to chat with her and learn from her more while she is with us.  (Which will probably be forever!!  Go Grandma!!)  I have moved closer to much of my family now that I am in Florida and I need to take advantage of that!

I might add more but for now... it's a good start.  Here goes my year of resolutions!!  I hope, if you have made resolutions, you are able to follow through and enjoy the journey!!

Happy New Year blogger friends!