Living a life by faith is humbling. You have to say, "I can't do this on my own" everyday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Who moved my cheese.... I mean changed my cheese?

Change. It's a curious thing, no?

I mean if you think about it, there really is so much meaning packed into those 6 letters.

It can mean that you have given someone money and they, in turn have given you less money back. ...ok....less money and a new pair of shoes but... less money is what we are focusing on. ...but I do love a new pair of kicks!

It can mean a new hairdo, a different look, a new you! Love that idea... speaking of hair...I have to call to my hairdresser!

It can mean that nothing stays the same. Everything is different. Everything is new.

That, my blogger friends, is where I find myself relating to change.
...and I am not good with that kind of change.

I am moving to Florida. Different job. Different climate. Different living situation. Different friends. Different EVERYTHING!! I know that change is a part of life. Things change all the time. If we look around, we see that things rarely stay the same. Change is immanent. We change jobs, directions, decisions and occasionally our under ware. You would think that by now, we would not fear change. But fearing change is exactly my problem. I fear what I don't know.

Is that because I don't trust enough?
Is it because I am such a control-freak and need to be in control of my decisions?
Is it because I am afraid I will make a bad choice?
Is it because I am comfortable and can be complacent
without too many people noticing??? (...ouch)
Is it because I am afraid to hurt those that I love by my choice?

Stink... I think the answer is yes. Yes to all of them. But here is the thing, blogger buddies, I know that God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7) Did you catch that? I need to hear it again.

God has NOT given me a spirit of fear
but of power
and of love
and of sound mind.

He has given me a spirit of power to overcome obstacles. Power to make decisions with His guidance. He has given me a spirit of love so that when I cry with friends that I am leaving, I can love them more and remember that I am just a phone call (or plane ride) away. He has given me a sound mind. Ha! Ha!.... I mean, yeah... a sound mind. He has given me clarity of thought and wise counsel to follow so I can be confident in my decision.

So where is this fear coming from? I think two places...

1. I think this move is a door that God has opened up and will be such an exciting blessing for me and for those around me. I think the enemy knows that and HE shaking in his skivvies!! He is afraid!! He is afraid that I may be more effective for the kingdom if I move. He is putting his fears onto me and, weak as am, he has succeeded in making me uncertain and fearful.
2. I have never done anything of this magnitude before. I think there is a healthy fear that I am dealing with too. The kind of fear that keeps sane people from robbing a bank, jumping out of a moving car ... or plane, for that matter. I think that a certain amount of fear helps to keep us making really stupid choices or not making hasty decisions.

So.... what am I saying?
I am moving to Florida, changing professions and changing my life. Am I nervous? Of course. Am I excited about the new opportunities? Absolutely! Am I so excited to finally live around my family? You bet you bottom dollar! (???what does that even mean??) I am so happy to be moving, sad to be leaving dear friends and anticipating new blessings from my God.

I have 4 words to end with....

Bring on the beach!!!


  1. I love have brave you are. You are always reminding me that fear is not from God. It is so fitting that 2 Timothy 1:7 is now in the board game we designed together and even on a t-shirt we made. I hope it makes many more people brave like you!

  2. P.S. Too many colors! I can’t read the light gray without copying it into another application.
    -Your technical writing husband
