So... I have news. After much thinking, praying, talking, crying, smiling and preparation--- I have decided to move to Florida! It's kind of an amazing story of how this all happened. ...and still happening! What?!?!?!
You want to hear the story?
Well.... twist my arm why don'tcha
OK! OK!!
Ha! Ha!
Are you comfy? Good.
So this story's beginning is a little fuzzy. I am not sure when exactly I began to want to move to Florida. It may have been when my sister, Amanda, moved down to her hubby's old stompin' ground. Yes, I believe that was it. When Curtis and Amanda moved to Florida, I think that is the first time moving out of Fort Wayne, Indiana seemed like a good idea.
I had moved to Fort Wayne, IN when I was in college. I went to Taylor University Fort Wayne and LOVED every minute! I made awesome friends, great memories and ultimately found a new place to live. Along with an awesome job, an amazing church and cool roommates... I found friends that became my family. The hardest thing about living in Fort Wayne that my nearest family member was over 3 hours away. I know, I know... you may be thinking that it was a blessing! And, granted... there were probably times when I was thankful family couldn't just pop in but... 99.9% of the time--- I missed them terribly.
Fast forward to this school year. I'm not gonna lie... this year has been the most difficult in my teaching career. I don't do well with change (as you noted on my previous post) and this year was full of it. New principal, new expectations, new changes I hadn't anticipated... It all seemed soooooo different. I wasn't on a 'team' at school because I was the only one doing what I was doing in the building so--- I couldn't bounce ideas off, have help finding know collaborating like I had in the past. That was difficult for me. Then I found out, that our whole school was changing how they did things and that everyone was surplussed. (We had to reinterview for our jobs.) ACK!! Change again!!
Fast forward again, to about a month ago. I had been out with friends and celebrating a birthday when my sister calls and tells me that there is a possible job opening and would I consider it. Whoa! Hold your horses!!!! Me move to Florida?!?!? Uh... I gotta think and pray about that! ... so that is what I did.
I fasted and prayed (along with my awesome prayin' posse...see post below) and felt like God was opening the door for me to at least find out about this new change. I mean... everything was changing anyway so... why not find out about this new possibility?!?!
Over spring break I interviewed then accepted the position of Student Data Coordinator with A+ Tutor U. The job is working with tutors, getting reports completed and making sure deadlines are met. I won't be working with kids or teaching. I know... shocking!!! I will be working from home and setting my hours so that I can get my work done. I am excited about the job, lovin' the people I will be working with, pumped about living close to my family (ok.. specifically my sweet nephew Cai) and, surprise of all surprises... looking forward to the change.
I love and feel very peaceful about the decision I have made. But it will be soooo hard!! I have dear, dear friends that I will have to leave. I won't see them on a daily/weekly basis. It's true, we have facebook, twitter, email, Skype and all kinds of technology to keep us connected but ..... there is nothing like sitting on a couch laughing about Arrested Development or The Office, crying with each other as we share family heartaches, taking a 20 minute walk that ends up being 2 hours, floating on a raft in the middle of snake infested waters, making crazy home-made gifts to trade at Christmas, hiding from kids at camp.... you know those things that are irreplaceable and impossible to do connected to a computer.

I know I will make new memories and have new experiences. I will build on to the relationships that I have already started and form new ones. What an adventure this will be... what an adventure.