Living a life by faith is humbling. You have to say, "I can't do this on my own" everyday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Away with the stitches!

I had foot surgery... or should I say feet surgery a couple of weeks ago and have been practically 'couch bound'... or 'recliner bound' since then. I've gone out a couple of times but paid the price! :) (I mean, come on... you can only sit on your couch for so long!!!)

Today, the stitches are coming out. I am a total wuss when it comes to pain so here's hopin' I make it through!!! Oh man... I'm gonna cry like a little baby! I just know it.... what a wuss....


  1. Hey - suck it up soldier Your stronger than that!! The stiches will be a cinch to get out...Hope it goes (went) well!

  2. IIIIII'mmmm gggoooooonnnnaaaaa dddddiiiiieeeee!

  3. ..oh... by the way, sorry the pic is so gross!
