I figured out the art of cleaning. Let someone else do it.
My sister, Krista, and nephew Aedan came yesterday and I love it! I don't get to see my family much since I am the only one here in Fort Wayne. Any time I get to spend with them is precious.
Krista is doing an Arbonne party tonight because she is trying to start up her business. I told her I would do a party for her but I am still not able to get around much....hence my house is not the cleanest. She is such a blessing. She is in my kitchen now and I hear dishes rattling, the faucet running and smell all kinds of freshness bursting out of there! I love it! She is the bestest!
Ok... lemme pause here to say that I really do have the greatest family. I love that my dad and mom taught us how to take care of others growing up. I mean, for me, it's just natural to let someone crash on my couch, cook meals, go an extra mile (or 10) and just serve whatever way I can. That is totally my mom and dad. They rock. I see that in my sisters and brother too. I thank God soooooo much for such a cool family.
So Krista is cleaning, I will be cooking soon, Hilda will be snoozin' or snuggling, and Aedan... well, he's just gonna be cute.
Oh! By the way! The stitches are out on my right foot and MAN-O-MAN!!!! ... that was horrible!! (see... wuss.) Next week they will hopefully take the stitches out of my left foot because we are praying that the infection goes away!!