Living a life by faith is humbling. You have to say, "I can't do this on my own" everyday.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Gain Train

Happy July 4th all!!

Whoa... I just realized how long it's been since I last posted anything.  Sorry about that!  I missed you too!

There have been lots of cool things happening in my life and the lives of my friends.  I want to tell you about one of my friends.  His name .... (drumroll please...)  Robbie!

Robbie, and his wife Joy, have been friends of mine for quite a while.  They are one of the coolest couples ever!  Robbie and I have been on drama teams, have worked in our children's church are doing skits and taught bible stories together. 

Recently, Robbie went on a Dairy Queen adventure.  He made a video and actually won a red Mini Cooper!  A bunch of people voted for his video...which was hi-larious!  He is at it again.  This time with laundry soap.  Gain, to be percise. 

Robbie has created a video and his trying to win a million bucks!!  Yep!  A million bucks!  The cooler thing about this is that if he wins, he is going to give all of the money he gets away.  Crazy, right?  Crazy cool!!!

He is giving the money to three charities.  World Relief, Compassion International and a new organization called Both Hands.  Wanna know more?  Here is a little more information.

...and don't worry... he is totally legit! 
2 legit 2 quit!

Whoa... sorry about that flashback!

Anyway... vote for Robbie in the Smell Like A Million Bucks contest on Facebook!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Resolution Solution

Happy 1-1-11 every1!
(I'm so witty!)

Over the past thirty blah-blah years, I have not made resolutions.  I have always felt like it was a bit ridiculous to start something because it's the first day of the year.  Something...that, let's be honest, I probably will quit on Jan 2 of that year.  This year though... I decided I'm gonna give it a try.  I have kinda jumped in big-time too.  I know... I know... maybe not the best idea.  Go from skeptic to die-hard.  Well... we will see! 

I have decided to make a resolution for different parts of my life.  You know physical, intellectual, etc.  I think it may be a fun ride.  So here are my resolutions!

Physical:  Yep... we are going with the exercising plan.  I want to get back to walking Hilda more often.  So... at least 4 times a week, Hilda and I will go for a little trek. 

Intellectual:  I would like to read 20 books this year--from at least 5 genres.  I tend to stick to the same genres so this will make me broaden my horizons.  I will make my list in an can help me stick to it!

Spiritual:  I want to get back to reading my bible more.  I do church, community, books.... but I have gotten away from spending time learning what God actually says in his word.  I want to read my bible everyday.  Not necessarily hours and hours... but I want to read something.  Whether it's reading a verse and memorizing it, reading a passage and meditating on it or just reading to read a story--  READ.  That's the key.

Food-al:  Fast food only once a week....or maybe twice?  three times?  NO!  Once.  Being out on the road and driving all over makes Micky D's soooo easy.  I need to cut down on the yummy grease.  Sionara Wendy!

Financial:  My super awesome brother-in-law helped me redo my budget.  It is pretty reasonable....when I use it.  So this year... I'm gonna do just that.  Use it.

Social:  Living in a new place, it has been difficult to meet new people.  Honestly... I haven't really tried.  One place I would like to start is our small group/bible study groups at church.  I want to find a small group.  This year, I want to find a community of people that I can do life with.  ...and as much as I heart my sister's friends (which have become my friends, most definitely), I would like to branch out a little more. 

Addendum to Social:  Call/text/FB/chat with my FW friends more!!!  I miss you!!!

Emotional:  I need to take vitamins.  Ugh.  Vitamins.  (I wasn't quite sure what to put for this one.  I figured vitamins would help with crazy moods and how I feel??? I'm gonna try it.)

Explorer-al:  I want to visit one place I haven't been every month.  You know... expand my horizons.  (This will eventually include Italy... but not this year.)

Familial- I need to call/visit my family more often.  We used to chat all the time and now... who knows!  Especially my 91 year old grandma.  I would love to chat with her and learn from her more while she is with us.  (Which will probably be forever!!  Go Grandma!!)  I have moved closer to much of my family now that I am in Florida and I need to take advantage of that!

I might add more but for now... it's a good start.  Here goes my year of resolutions!!  I hope, if you have made resolutions, you are able to follow through and enjoy the journey!!

Happy New Year blogger friends!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Smelling Roses

How often do we stop and smell the roses?

Do we even have roses to stop and smell, now-a-days?

Sometimes, if you are like me, the roses have lost their smell by the time we get around to smelling them.

Is 'smelling the roses' even important to us anymore? Is it important to me?

Doing life, at the pace that we do life... is crazy! We don't take time to enjoy the crisp autumn breeze, visit the beach to see the sun rise on the horizon, sit and marvel at how a baby learns so fast, read a book, spend time talking with a friend we haven't seen in a while, take a deep breath in a quiet home late at night..... we should do those things.

So here is my challenge to myself and anyone who wants to join me... I want to 'stop and smell the roses' everyday this week. Take a few moments out of each day to think, pray, wonder, smile and to just breathe. I am soooo looking forward to my 'rose smelling moments'.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Back, Crazy! Back!

I think I have just been through the craziest week of my life.

I thought you would want to hear about it.... grab a snack and get comfy.

It all started on last Monday afternoon. We were all going about our work, they way we should have been, when suddenly..... ALARM! We have to get as many of our student learning plans to the big man by Friday at 3:00! If we don't.... we may not have kiddos to tutor!

Eeeeek Gad! That's 4 days and many of our conferences weren't scheduled until later in the week, and even into next week.

"ALL HANDS ON DECK! ALL HANDS ON DECK!" exclaimed Carol at our teleconference the next evening. (apparently this just became a short story with dialogue! Hmmmm... oh well.)

Academic Coaches and Lead Tutors flew into action. They went to homes, work places, the shopping lines at grocery stores, the pharmacy line at CVS, McDonald's play place, the library and chased every parent to get the conferences done. Lead Tutors called parent after parent to aquire the meet time and the promise of a signature. They used some serious CIA undercover action to get those signatures.

Meanwhile, in the bat cave.....Heather and her team of fearless data specialists emailed and scored and marked and typed and clicked their fingers to meer nubbi-ness getting the learning plans created. They tag-teamed, they long-balled (Long balled???), they typed and typed and typed. They stayed up until 1:00, then 2:30....and even 4:40 in the morning to work on these projects!!! The Academic Coaches drove mile after long mile to collect learning plans only to drive more miles to meet up with Heather at Office Depot. When the copying was done, they headed back from whence they came to distribute those copies. Heather stayed behind in the Office Depot parking lot. After the relentless copying, stapling and *#%!@ alphabetizing of over 600 learning plans in 3 days.... the final stack was placed on the big man's desk.

Relief swelled over the A+ Tutor U staff. Did we do enough? Will we be able to have more?

We may never know the answer to that question. Then again... we may know Monday morning.

So, that was my week. (Did you see me in there? I was one of the characters!) I am hoping this week slows down but I have a feeling I will not be seeing my blogger-friends until next weekend. Here's hopin' I don't ever see 4:40am this week!!!....or ever again!! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

My New Peeps

When you step into a new job, besides the newness of what you will be doing, where you are and how you have to learn everything over again....there is the people factor. That's right, folks....the new co-workers. (Insert Twilight Zone music sound-bite here)

You never know how people will react to you, to your methods, to your idiosyncrasies. (Or 'my crazy', as I like to call it) But I have to tell you what... my new peeps, rock!

I work with an awesome bunch of people.

Our management team is so fun. They kick some major bootie, when it comes to getting things done. They are on top of things! They have really inspired me to be better at what I do. I am so impressed by the go-getter-all-hands-on-deck attitude of Sharla. I am touched by the sweet but direct guidance of Bonnie. Marilyn's attention to detail and willingness to jump in is incredible. Lynette's determination in spite of difficulties is empowering. Becky's is, well....Becky is awe-inspiring with everything she does! And Carol, the leader of the pack, her vision and energy lead us so well.

God, Thank you for this amazing group of women that you have given me to work with. I pray a blessing over their families. May they have many moments of tenderness and love with their dear ones. I pray a blessing over their work. May the lead tutors, the tutors, the students and school staff enjoy the visits and conversations with these women. May they be fruitful in their work and joyful in their conversations. I pray a blessing over them. May they find rest after busy days, peace in their moments alone and much laughter. Lord, thank you for these women.

And let me just tell you about these Lead Tutors we have.... OMBob. (That's from Gloria! She's a stitch!) They are so patient, so focused and so stinkin' funny! I love getting email responses from them replying to my crazy. Most of them are teachers. All of them love their kiddos. It's hard to imagine doing this job with anyone else. They make my job so much easier....even if they have to remind me a few times to get that learning plan to them! (Geeze-o-pete!) They are a definitely a group of cool catz!

Lord, thanks so much for the Lead Tutors that work for us. I pray you would bless their efforts in making the students that are in our program more successful. I pray you would bless their interaction with school leaders, with parents, with tutors and most of all with their kiddos. I pray for their programs to flow smooth. I pray for their minds to be clear so they can trouble-shoot and problem-solve quickly and effectively. I pray for peace in their groups. I pray for success for their kids. I pray for joy as they work in our program.

So, you may ask how I am liking Florida.

Well.... I like it.

And my new peeps are a big part of it! Thanks everyone!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Forever JAMES!

I just couldn't help but post this. But I need to share a little back story with you.

My church in Fort Wayne is awesome! I have grown in my walk with Christ, been challenged to rethink, met amazing friends, served neighbors and enjoyed fellowship-ping with them over the last 15 years. When I started at Fellowship, we were all crammed in a sanctuary for three services each Sunday. We had chairs (barely isles) everywhere including the exit hallway, the sides/wings of the santuary...basically all over. I'm surprised they weren't hanging from the ceiling! About two or three years after I started going to FMC (Fellowship Missionary Church-- WHOOT WHOOT!) We decided to build on to our church. My church has made the decision not to borrow to build. We prayed and raised money and were able to build on. Our chruch grew and grew and we added on a children's wing. Now, we are redoing the administrative part and adding a new sanctuary.

I know that a lot happens and a lot goes on behind the scene but Pastor Dave has done an amazing job of leading and challenging our church. My favorite sermons are those series where he takes a book of the bible and we spend FOREVER on it. Literally. I think we spent 20-something weeks on Philippians. The book only has 4 chapters and 104 verses!! I love love love that in depth study on the word of God.

We just finished a series like that in James. Sadly, I have missed many since moving to Florida as well as traveling before I left. I guess they ended a couple of weeks ago and to end the series, they did this little song. Robbie and group.... kuddos!! Click on the link below

James! This Series Lasted Forever...

Love ya FMC family!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Being new to Florida, Curtis and Amanda got me a Tom-Tom. It's been fun finding places on this thing. I have always been pretty good with directions but in a new state where I can barely figure out which way is north yet..... It's been awesome having this!

Now, I know this is a moo point (you know... it doesn't really a cows opinion doesn't really matter) but I wanted to tell you that, after much persuading from friends and FRIENDS.... I have named my Tom Tom. ...and no, I have not named it Tom. Her name is Princess Consuela. It really is a great name!! When the Princess says turn right--- you have to do it! She's the princess!

Marketer Me

What kind of shoes do you like?
Where would you most likely go on vacation?
Who would you believe more: Brittney or Paris?
What would make you want to eat this more?

Welcome to the world of marketing!

This is one thing that I never thought I would be a part of. Me? Trying to get you to buy something? Nu-uh. Not in a million years!

I guess time flies when you're having fun!

Now, after 10 years of teaching, I find myself in at the buisness end of buisness. The 'how do we get people to want what we have' end. It's facinating and yet so foreign to me. Gimme a kid who doesn't know how to read and BANG! I'll teach him to read. Ask me to try to sell something to you?????? ...........yeah...............

I am learning so much about the concept of 'want vs. need'. Now, make no mistake I am an expert in what I need verses what I want..... I NEEDed that really expensive necklace, NEEDed that vacation, NEEDed that new iPod and totally NEEDed that cheeseburger. I WANT to do my laundry. I WANT to go to the gym. I WANT to do the dishes in the sink. See.... I totally am an expert in the need vs. want area. What I am realizing is that I have to figure out how to be an expert in what YOU want and need.

Thankfully, the company doesn't depend on me for marketing. I'm more of the 'manage the data' part of the company but after sending my ideas to the big guy.... (Insert nail biting noise here). It's fun. It's different. It's..... time for me to get back to work......

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Copy Cai

So, I have been teaching my little nephew, Micaiah, some new things I am sure his mother is so very grateful for.

I taught him how to smack his forehead and say, "Doh!" ... everyone needs a little Homer...

I taught him how to do squinty-eyes and wide-eyes. (Oh man... It's hi-larious!)

I taught him how to master the the 'Cheers!' and the 'clink!' that comes after it. (I think his mom started that one....)

And best of all... I am teaching him how to feed my dog. Everyday, I go over to the baker's cart and pull Hilda's bowl out with my foot. (Who wants to touch a slimy dog bowl? Not me!) Then I get the cup and pour the food in the bowl. I say 'ok' and Hilda comes to eat. Then, when she is done, I push the bowl back under the cart and wash my hands.

Oh Micaiah.... he is sooooo funny!
The other day I asked him if he wanted to feed Hilda.
He went over to the cart, stuck his little foot under the cart,
and pulled out her bowl....with his foot.
Then he walked over to the bag and waited for me to give
him the food, took it to her dish and poured it in. (We are still
working on putting the cup back but... it's coming) When she is done,
he pushes the bowl back under the cart and goes to the
sink with me to wash his hands.
He is so advanced!

You know... I never told him to get the bowl out with his foot.
I never told him to push the bowl back under.
He just did it.
Because he saw me do it.
I absolutely love that....and I'm terrified of it at the same time.

He learns so fast! What an influence I am for this little life!

In his short little life so far, he has had to learn EVERYTHING! Walking, talking (soon), how to pick something up, what not to touch, how to dance (even though he is totally BFABB! ... born from a boom box!), how to use a spoon, what no means, what 'I love you' means, what food he likes and dislikes, what a dog is, how to ask for more.... I think you get the picture. But have you thought about babies before like that? They are like an empty canvass waiting to have a colorful and vibrant life.

And I influence that.

Do I give him bright colors for his canvass? What if I splash grey hues his way? When he watches me, what does he see and paint in that growing mind? What an awesome responsibility I have.
It makes me think, and rethink about everything I do. It makes me think about how, just like Cai is copying the tiny details like moving the dog bowl with his foot---that is how I should be copying Jesus. Down to the last detail.

Lord, I pray that I would be an example for my nephews that makes you proud. I pray that they would imitate me as I strive to imitate you. May my life reflect you so that when my nephews do what I do....they do what YOU do.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Did you ever stop and think about a shadow?
Think about it. A shadow can be a protection. We stand in the shadows in the hot summer to avoid the oppressive sun and heat. A shadow can help lead the way and show where to step next. A shadow can hide you so that you aren't seen as well.

As kids, being the oldest child in our family, I was usually the one to be "First". First to walk, first to go to school, first to drive, first to graduate, first to go to college... you know, typical older sibling stuff. By nature I am independent and proud of it. :)

For the past 15 years I have lived at least 4 hours from my nearest family member. But, I was the first to move out, the first to make it on my own, the first to begin my career.

Now I have moved to Florida.

It's exciting! I have a new job and I will be living with my sister and then, when my house sells, I will rent some where close by. I am soooooo very excited to be here! My new job is becoming more and more exciting as I learn about my roles and responsibilities. It brings new challenges, new possibilities, and new people. I am so excited.

So, in all this change, I think about how I have lived my life. I think about growing up and remember how my siblings lived in the shadow I cast. Because I did something right, my parents were more apt to trust them. Because I messed up, they didn't make the same mistake on the rest. Well, since moving down here I feel a little like roles have changed. My sister, who I feel like lived somewhat in my shadow because of our family placement and how independent I have always been.... now seems to be the one casting the shadow on me.

It's a new place for me. It's a good place for me.
I am being welcomed into a community where instead of leading the way like I usually do---my sister already has established deep, meaningful, Godly relationships. She has a strong connection of friends. She has husband and son who are amazing. She has a job that, may just be the coolest job ever. She is the one who is settled here and lives here. I am the newbie. I see that I am now living, somewhat in her shadow. It is kinda cool!

I still sometimes view Amanda (and Krista and Grant) as my little sisters and brother. I know they are old and all grown up (smile!) but I still like to think I helped motivate them, encouraged them and blazed a trail, however minute, for them. I cast a shadow for them.

I guess, as I think about it, among my siblings, I may have been a shadow caster for them. But in life, Oh how I have lived in the shadows of so many!

I have taught with amazing teachers over the years who have cast shadows.
I have worked with dedicated co-workers who have cast shadows.
I have served with gracious brothers and sisters in Christ who have cast shadows.
I have done life with incredible friends who have cast shadows.
I went to school with visionary classmates who have cast shadows.
I was raised with God-honoring parents who cast shadows.
I have loving siblings who have cast shadows.

My prayer for you is that in your life, you have had, and still have those who cast shadows for you. Shadows that encourage, protect and enable you to live a full life.